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. 2022 Jan 7;12:801295. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2021.801295


Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) among Y-STR haplotypes of 1171 men in Kazakhstan using two models 1) tribal affiliations (model: ∼tribe), and 2) tribal affiliation nested in Zhus (model: ∼zhus/tribe).

Structure design Source of variation d.f. Sum of squares Variance components (sigma) Percentage of variation Permutation test (α = 0.01)
Model: ∼Tribe Among tribes 23 2792.23 2.47 26.77 Less
Within tribes 1147 7751.01 6.75 73.23 Greater
Total 1170 10543.24 9.01 ΦST: 0.268
Model: ∼Zhuz/Tribe Among zhuzs 2 1103.96 0.844 8.91 Less
Among tribes Within zhuzs 21 1688.27 1.86 19.68 Less
Within tribes 1147 7751.01 6.75 71.40 Greater
Total 1170 12353.99 11.125 ΦSC: 0.216
ΦST: 0.286
ΦCT: 0.089

The significance of the covariance components was tested using a Monte Carlo permutation test using an alpha = 0.01: variance components that were less than or greater than expected under the null (permuted) distribution are marked as < or > respectively.