Database Searched | Field Searched | Search Terms |
ASSIA | Abstract or Title searched separately | Full search terms as above |
British Nursing Index | Abstract or Title searched separately | Full Search terms as above |
Campbell Collaboration | All | ‘Sexual Assault’ only |
CINAHL Plus | Title | Full search terms as above |
Cochrane Collaboration | Title, abstract, keyword | Full search terms as above |
Directory of open access journals | Searched Abstract English only Sexual assault string only |
Sex* Assault OR Rape OR Sex* Violence OR Non-consen* OR Forced sex* OR Coerced Sex* OR post-rape OR sexual victim* |
Emerald | Title Or Abstract |
Sexual assault terms entered in separate lines of advanced search |
EThOS | Abstract | Sexual assault OR rape OR sexual violence AND
psychological OR psychosocial OR
support Then swap in intervention terms AND: [group OR self help OR advocacy] [social OR intervention OR peer] [programme OR centre OR team] [helpline OR liaison OR worker] [online OR case tracker OR social] [education OR counselling OR response] [training OR hotline OR service] [aftercare OR treatment OR prevention] THEN: Non consensual sex OR forced sex OR coerced sex OR post rape OR sexual victimization OR sexual victimisation |
HMIC | All fields | Full search terms |
Internurse | All fields | Full search terms |
Medline via OVID | Title only | Full search terms as above |
NICE | Searched primary evidence only | Sexual assault search string only |
OpenSIGLE (OpenGrey) |
All search | Full search terms |
PILOTS | Title | Full search terms |
ProQuest Dissertations and Theses | Title | Full search terms |
Psych ARTICLES (APA) | Title | Full search terms |
PsychINFO | Title | Full search terms |
SAGE Journals Online | Title |
Title: (Sex* Assault) OR Rape OR
(Sex* Violence) OR (Non-consen*) OR (Forced sex*)
OR (Coerced Sex*) OR (post-rape) OR (sexual
victim*) AND Title: Psycho* OR Suppor* OR Group OR (Self-help) OR Advocacy OR Social OR Intervention OR Peer OR Prog* OR Cent* OR Team OR Helpline OR Liaison OR Worker OR online OR (case-tracker) OR Social OR Ed* OR Couns* OR Respon* OR Train* OR Hotline OR Servic* OR Aftercare OR Treat* OR Preven* |
ScienceDirect | Title, Abstract, Keyword | (“Sexual Assault” OR Rape OR “Sexual Violence”
OR “Non consensual”) AND. . . (“Forced sex” OR “Coerced Sex” OR “post rape” OR “sexual victim”) AND. . . . Coupled with these sequentially [. . . . . . .AND (Psychological OR Support OR Group OR “Self help” OR Advocacy)] [. . .AND (Social OR Intervention OR Peer OR Programme OR Centre)] |
[. . .AND (Team OR Helpline OR Liaison OR
Worker OR online)] [. . .AND (case-tracker OR Social OR Education OR Counselling OR Response)] [. . .AND (Training OR Hotline OR Service OR Aftercare OR Treatment)] [. . .AND (Prevention)] |
Social Care Online | All | Full search terms |
Social Policy and Practice | Title | Full search terms |
Social Services Abstracts | Title | Full search terms |
SocINDEX | Title | Full search terms |
Taylor & Francis | Title | (“Sex* Assault” OR Rape OR “Sex* Violence” OR “Non consen*” OR “Forced sex*” OR “Coerced Sex*” OR “post rape” OR “sexual victim*”) AND (Psycho* OR Suppor* OR Group OR “Self help” OR Advocacy OR Social OR Intervention OR Peer OR Prog* OR Cent* OR Team OR Helpline OR Liaison OR Worker OR online OR case-tracker OR Social OR Ed* OR Couns* OR Respon* OR Train* OR Hotline OR Servic* OR Aftercare OR Treat* OR Preven*) |
SCOPUS | Title | TITLE ( sex* AND assault OR rape OR sex* AND violence OR non-consen* OR forced AND sex* OR coerced AND sex* OR post-rape OR sexual AND victim* ) AND TITLE ( psycho* OR suppor* OR group OR self-help OR advocacy OR social OR intervention OR peer OR prog* OR cent* OR team OR helpline OR liaison OR worker OR online OR case-tracker OR social OR ed* OR couns* OR respon* OR train* OR hotline OR servic* OR aftercare OR treat* OR preven* ) |
Wiley Online Library | Title | Full search terms |
Zetoc | Title | Sexual assault paired sequentially with
intervention; psycho*; servi*; suppor*; advocacy;
helpline; worker THEN rape paired with the same terms |