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. 2020 Aug 24;27(2):305–331. doi: 10.1177/1359105320950799
Database Searched Field Searched Search Terms
ASSIA Abstract or Title searched separately Full search terms
as above
British Nursing Index Abstract or Title searched separately Full Search terms
as above
Campbell Collaboration All ‘Sexual Assault’ only
CINAHL Plus Title Full search terms as above
Cochrane Collaboration Title, abstract, keyword Full search terms as above
Directory of open access journals Searched
English only
Sexual assault string only
Sex* Assault OR Rape OR Sex* Violence OR Non-consen* OR Forced sex* OR Coerced Sex* OR post-rape OR sexual victim*
Emerald Title
Sexual assault terms entered in separate lines of advanced search
EThOS Abstract Sexual assault OR rape OR sexual violence AND psychological OR psychosocial OR support
Then swap in intervention terms AND:
[group OR self help OR advocacy]
[social OR intervention OR peer]
[programme OR centre OR team]
[helpline OR liaison OR worker]
[online OR case tracker OR social]
[education OR counselling OR response]
[training OR hotline OR service]
[aftercare OR treatment OR prevention]
Non consensual sex OR forced sex OR coerced sex OR post rape OR sexual victimization OR sexual victimisation
HMIC All fields Full search terms
Internurse All fields Full search terms
Medline via OVID Title only Full search terms as above
NICE Searched primary evidence only Sexual assault search string only
All search Full search terms
PILOTS Title Full search terms
ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Title Full search terms
Psych ARTICLES (APA) Title Full search terms
PsychINFO Title Full search terms
SAGE Journals Online Title Title: (Sex* Assault) OR Rape OR (Sex* Violence) OR (Non-consen*) OR (Forced sex*) OR (Coerced Sex*) OR (post-rape) OR (sexual victim*)
Title: Psycho* OR Suppor* OR Group OR (Self-help) OR Advocacy OR Social OR Intervention OR Peer OR Prog* OR Cent* OR Team OR Helpline OR Liaison OR Worker OR online OR (case-tracker) OR Social OR Ed* OR Couns* OR Respon* OR Train* OR Hotline OR Servic* OR Aftercare OR Treat* OR Preven*
ScienceDirect Title, Abstract, Keyword (“Sexual Assault” OR Rape OR “Sexual Violence” OR “Non consensual”) AND. . .
(“Forced sex” OR “Coerced Sex” OR “post rape” OR “sexual victim”) AND. . . .
Coupled with these sequentially
[. . . . . . .AND (Psychological OR Support OR Group OR “Self help” OR Advocacy)]
[. . .AND (Social OR Intervention OR Peer OR Programme OR Centre)]
[. . .AND (Team OR Helpline OR Liaison OR Worker OR online)]
[. . .AND (case-tracker OR Social OR Education OR Counselling OR Response)]
[. . .AND (Training OR Hotline OR Service OR Aftercare OR Treatment)]
[. . .AND (Prevention)]
Social Care Online All Full search terms
Social Policy and Practice Title Full search terms
Social Services Abstracts Title Full search terms
SocINDEX Title Full search terms
Taylor & Francis Title (“Sex* Assault” OR Rape OR “Sex* Violence” OR “Non consen*” OR “Forced sex*” OR “Coerced Sex*” OR “post rape” OR “sexual victim*”) AND (Psycho* OR Suppor* OR Group OR “Self help” OR Advocacy OR Social OR Intervention OR Peer OR Prog* OR Cent* OR Team OR Helpline OR Liaison OR Worker OR online OR case-tracker OR Social OR Ed* OR Couns* OR Respon* OR Train* OR Hotline OR Servic* OR Aftercare OR Treat* OR Preven*)
SCOPUS Title TITLE ( sex* AND assault OR rape OR sex* AND violence OR non-consen* OR forced AND sex* OR coerced AND sex* OR post-rape OR sexual AND victim* ) AND TITLE ( psycho* OR suppor* OR group OR self-help OR advocacy OR social OR intervention OR peer OR prog* OR cent* OR team OR helpline OR liaison OR worker OR online OR case-tracker OR social OR ed* OR couns* OR respon* OR train* OR hotline OR servic* OR aftercare OR treat* OR preven* )
Wiley Online Library Title Full search terms
Zetoc Title Sexual assault paired sequentially with intervention; psycho*; servi*; suppor*; advocacy; helpline; worker
THEN rape paired with the same terms