Figure 2.
Synthesis and characterizations of NPSG. (a) Chemical equation of polygridization reaction. The likely structure of hyperbranched polygrid (HBPG), as byproducts, is provided in Figure S11. (b) The hydrodynamic radius (Rh) relying on DPw. The calibration of NPSG oligomers (with the degree of polymerization DP = 2 ~ 5) from GPC spectra was also provided to calculate the Mark-Houwink exponent (α). (c) The scaling plots I ~ q−d of NPSG and HBPG. The lc of NPSG (in the brackets) are transformed from individual Rh or DPw values. (d) The Quinier plots of NPSG with various lc (in the brackets). The calculated radius of gyration (Rg) is also provided. (e) The simulation of lp of SSIP (orange), SBPGs (deep blue), and NPSGs (pink and red). The SSIP chain is defined as the single-chain segment of NPSG that removes all spiro-carbon atoms.