Figure 1.
Differentially Expressed Genes in Estrogen or Progesterone Treated MDMs Infected with HIV-1; MDMs (10 × 10 6 cells/flask) were pre-treated with estrogen (40 pM and 110 nM) or progesterone (2.5 nM and 64 nM) and infected with HIV-1 (BaL). After 2 h, the virus was removed, and fresh culture media added with same concentration of estrogen (40 pM and 110 nM) or progesterone (2.5 nM and 64 nM) and cultured. MDMs were collected 9 days post infection. RT2 Profiler PCR Array was used to examine the mRNA levels of different HIV-1 host response genes. Assays were performed with experimental RNA samples isolated from MDMs obtained from 3 independent donors. Data was analyzed with average Ct values (Table S1) using Qiagen web-based software (RT2 Profiler PCR Array Data Analysis) and results expressed as mean ± SD; (A) Differentially expressed genes in estrogen treated MDMs infected with HIV-1 BaL; (B) Differentially expressed genes in progesterone treated MDMs infected with HIV-1 BaL.