Pathogenesis |
Novel biomarker and host genotype studies offer new insight into TBM pathophysiology
Young age is a major determinant of progression from TB infection to TBM
BCG vaccination and TB preventive therapy for children exposed to TB cases are important preventative strategies
Epidemiology |
More than half of all children with TB globally are undiagnosed or unreported
Infants have an up to 20% risk of developing TBM following TB infection
Advanced disease stage at diagnosis is associated with high mortality and morbidity
The number of children with TBM are currently unknown, and modelling studies are needed to provide estimates of the burden, morbidity, and mortality in children globally
Operational research can help to identify and mitigate the impact of drivers behind diagnostic delays and missed opportunities for prevention
Improve mechanisms for reporting of TBM in all age groups to national TB surveillance programs
Diagnostics |
TBM can be diagnosed with reasonable confidence with clinical, laboratory, and neuroimaging findings
MRI is superior to CT imaging for children being evaluated for TBM, both from a diagnostic perspective but also to delineate pathological and prognostic features
M. tuberculosis detection remains the ‘gold standard’ diagnostic test but is limited by poor sensitivity
Biomarkers have potential to improve our ability to discriminate children with TBM from children with other causes for their symptoms and signs
Establish validated clinical case definitions in adults and children taking into account different settings stages of TBM and HIV-status
Investigate the ability of MRI CSF flow imaging and thin slice CT to differentiate communicating and non-communicating hydrocephalus
Investigate utility of other modalities (e.g., 18F-PET/CT) to identify early small infarctions missed with conventional imaging
Develop new adequately sensitive, accessible, and rapid diagnostic tests, especially at point of care to allow prompt diagnosis
Further investigate the role of non- or less invasive TB testing (e.g., serum, urine, or saliva) in diagnosing TBM in patients where CSF is difficult or cannot be obtained
Further investigate the utility of new omic technology, transcriptional and metabolomic biomarkers in diagnosing TBM from other non-TBM CNS infections, including in various populations, stages of TBM, and HIV-status
Treatment |
Current recommended doses of TB drugs to treat TBM do not reach optimal CSF levels
Higher doses of rifampicin are required to penetrate the blood CSF barrier
High CSF concentrations of isoniazid are associated with improved survival
To date, the only adjuvant therapy proven to reduce mortality in TBM is corticosteroids for up to 8 weeks
Neurocritical care in severe or complicated disease should be part of routine management of TBM
What is the optimal dose, drug regimen, and duration of TB drugs to adequately treat TBM? Is shortened therapy non-inferior to the standard 12 months?
Should patients who are fast acetylators receive different doses of isoniazid than slow acetylators?
Besides rifampicin, isoniazid, and pyrazinamide, which first or second-line TB drug is the most optimal 4th drug in a drug-susceptible TBM regimen?
When is the optimal time to start TB treatment in HIV-positive children?
Do the new second line TB drugs (bedaquiline, delamanid, and pretomanid) have a role in treating drug-resistant TBM?
Can new host-direct therapy (e.g., high-dose aspirin, thalidomide, and monoclonal-antibodies such as TNF-alpha inhibitors) reduce mortality or neurodisability in children with TBM?
What is the optimal management for CNS complications in TBM? (e.g., hydrocephalus, tuberculomas, and paradoxical reactions)
What is the optimal supportive and critical care in low-resourced settings to improve mortality and morbidity?
Long term morbidity |
Morbidity and mortality from TBM remain unacceptably high, even if treated
Reasons for poor outcome are multifactorial; however, the most important predictor of poor outcome is diagnostic and treatment delay
Although the array of long-term sequelae is broad, the most common long-term outcomes are physical and developmental disability
Neurocognitive deficits can occur without physical disability and have important psychosocial and educational consequences for children, especially those with immature brains
Establish validated and culturally appropriate tools to assess neurodevelopment and function in children with TBM
Standardisation of patient follow up and strengthened surveillance to include physical, neurocognitive, and neurodevelopmental assessments
Evaluation of whether optimised anti-TB therapy and host-directed therapy could improve long-term neurodevelopmental and neurocognitive outcomes across various paediatric age ranges
Evaluation and characterisation of early intervention and targeted neurorehabilitation services to improve long-term outcomes