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FIG. 2.

FIG. 2

Detection of EAV and ALV sequences in MVVE. (A) Lanes 1, DNA PCR analysis of MVVE done using primers EAV F1-EAV F2, ALV 21F-ALV 21R, and CRE F1-CRE F2 for the detection of EAV, ALV, and CRE sequences, respectively. Lanes 2, PCR control without DNA. PCR products of these first amplification reactions were electrophoresed on a 1.4% agarose gel and visualized by ethidium bromide staining. The fragments expected are indicated (in base pairs). (B) RT-PCR analysis of MVVE. RNA prepared from MVVE was analyzed for DNA contamination using EAV primers (EAV F1-EAV R1 and EAV F2-EAV R2) in the absence of added RT in a cDNA synthesis reaction (leftmost lane 1). RNA prepared from MVVE was analyzed for EAV using primers EAV F1-EAV R1 and EAV F2-EAV R2, for ALV using primers ALV 21F1-ALV 21R1 and ALV P1-RSV R1, for MV using primers MNP1-MNP2 and MNP3-MNP4, and for CRE using primers CRE F1-CRE R1 and CRE F2-CRE R2 (lanes 1, + RT). The PCR control (without RNA) is shown in lanes 2. Products of the reamplification PCR were electrophoresed on a 1.4% agarose gel and visualized by ethidium bromide staining. The fragments expected are indicated (in base pairs).