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. 2022 Jan 13;12(1):74. doi: 10.3390/metabo12010074

Table 1.

Properties of S. cerevisiae models developed to understand dynamic glucose perturbation response: glycolysis (GLYCO), tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA), pentose phosphate pathway (PPP), trehalose cycle (TRE). Number of ‘+’ sign according to how advantageous the property is. Cofactor conservation moieties are sumAXP and sumNADX. N/A when reactions were not modeled, or data were not shown in article. Refs. [17,20] fitted different parameter sets to multiple data sets. Other models used a unique parameter set. From the literature pool of articles obtained in the systematic reviewing process, only the works which include glycolysis are displayed.

Rizzi et al. [19] Teusink et al. [82] Teusink et al. [22] van Eunen et al. [17]
Contribution to glycolytic understanding Dynamic models can accurately describe glucose perturbation. ATP surplus can cause the observed overactivation of initial glycolytic steps in DTps1 mutant strains. In vivo behavior cannot be predicted with in vitro kinetics. Implementation of allosteric regulation and in vivo measured parameter values is necessary to reproduce GP data.
GLYCO Individual + branch reactions (++) Lumped reactions (+) Individual + branch reactions (++) Individual + branch reactions (++)
TRE N/A N/A N/A T6P regulation (+)
TCA Individual reactions (++) N/A N/A N/A
Cofactors Conservation moiety (+) Conservation moiety (+) Conservation moiety (+) Conservation moiety (+)
Parameters Computational, in vivo (++) Computational, toy model (+) Computational, in vivo (++) Experimental and computational, in vivo (++)
Data Single GP experiment (++) Single GP, toy data (+) SS data point (+) Single GP experiment and multiple SS (+++)
 Smallbone et al. [16]  Van Heerden et al. [18]  Messiha et al. [33]  Kesten et al. [20]
Contribution to glycolytic understanding Broad quantification of enzymatic kinetic constants in in vivo-like conditions. Glycolytic dynamics combined with cell heterogeneity determine cell fate. Feasibility of constructing larges network models by merging smaller pathway models. Cooperativity PYK-PYR and ADH-PDH bypass play a major role in the onset of the Crabtree effect.
GLYCO Individual + branch reactions + isozymes (+++) Individual + branch reactions (++) Individual + branch reactions (++) Individual + branch reactions (++)
TRE N/A T6P regulation (+) N/A N/A
TCA N/A N/A N/A Individual reactions (++)
PPP N/A N/A Individual reactions (++) N/A
Cofactors Conservation moiety (+) Conservation moiety + dynamic Pi (++) Conservation moiety (+) Conservation moiety (+)
Parameters Experimental, in vivo (++) Experimental, in vivo (++) Experimental, in vivo (++) Computational, in vivo (++)
Data N/A Single GP experiment (++) Single GP experiment (++) Single GP experiment (++)