Figure 4.
Lower expression of proinflammatory genes is observed in DSS-exposed Parp7−/− mice. Intestinal mRNA expression levels of (A) Il1β, (B) Il6, (C) Il17, (D) Lcn2, (E) Cxcl1, (F) Cxcl2, (G) Il10, and (H) Il22 in colon tissue isolated from Parp7+/+ and Parp7−/− mice that were not exposed to DSS (-DSS) or exposed to 2% DSS in their drinking water for 6 days or 12 days (6 days DSS followed by 6 days water). The relative mRNA levels of the indicated genes were determined with RT-qPCR. * p < 0.05 two-way ANOVA compared with genotyped-matched and DSS treated animals. # p < 0.05 two-way ANOVA compared with time matched Parp7+/+ mice.