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. 2021 Dec 23;14(1):27. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics14010027

Table 2.

Observer-reported outcomes for 500-mg mebendazole chewable tablet compared with tablets regardless of treatment in children aged 2 to 4 years.

500-mg Mebendazole
Chewable Tablet
(n = 182)
Hard Tablet
Regardless of
(n = 71)
Result intake
Fully taken 170 (93) a 49 (69) F b: p < 0.001
Partly taken 11 (6) 22 (31)
Not taken 1 (1) 0 (0)
Patient reaction
Positive 65 (36) 13 (18) χ2 c: p < 0.001
Neutral 91 (50) 22 (31)
Negative 26 (14) 36 (51)
Preparation and
administration time
Short 22 (12) 9 (13) χ2: p < 0.001
Medium 131 (72) 24 (34)
Long 29 (16) 38 (54)
Divided dose
No divided dose 163 (90) 30 (42) χ2: p < 0.001
Use divided dose 19 (10) 41 (58)
Food/drink d
No food/drink 95 (52) 18 (25) χ2: p < 0.001
Use food/drink 87 (48) 53 (75)
Alteration e
No alteration 152 (84) 15 (21) χ2: p < 0.001
Use alteration 30 (16) 56 (79)
Extra device f
No extra device 152 (84) 55 (77) χ2: p = 0.35
Use extra device 30 (16) 16 (23)
No reward 174 (96) 36 (51) χ2: p < 0.001
Use reward 8 (4) 35 (49)
No restraint 182 (100) 59 (83) χ2: p < 0.001
Use restraint 0 (0) 12 (17)

a n (%): number and percentages; b F: Fisher’s exact test; c χ2: Pearson’s chi squared test; d either mixed with the drug or taken just before or after administration; e modification of dosage form prior to administration; f device not provided with the medicine.