Fig. 2.
Plots illustrating regional group differences between schizophrenia (SZ) and healthy controls (HCs) in OD and OS retinal vascular measures for (A) superficial skeletonized vessel density, (B) choriocapillaris skeletonized vessel density, (C) superficial fractal dimension, (D) deep fractal dimension, and (E) choriocapillaris fractal dimension. Effect sizes are given in each section. Color signifies that, compared to HCs, probands demonstrated higher (red) or lower (blue) measures. Color intensity reflects the strength of the effect size. Test statistics are denoted as: trending, ~P < .1 and significant, *P < .05, **P < .01, and ***P < .005. OD = oculus dextrus; OS = oculus sinister. For color, please see the figure online.