AXL TKI R428 combined with radiation (RTX) increases therapeutic effects and endogenous RTK-AXL overexpression is related to RTX resistance: (A) Survival fraction of SF126 under radiation and R428 exposure. Ordinary one-way ANOVA, SF126: **** p < 0.0001; (B) Survival fraction of U118MG under radiation and R428 exposure. Ordinary one-way ANOVA, U118MG: p = ns; (C) survival fraction of SF126, SF126-DN and SF126-WT cell lines in colony formation assay under increasing dosage of temozolomide (TMZ). Ordinary one-way ANOVA, p = ns; (D) survival fraction of SF126, SF126-DN and SF126-WT cell lines in colony formation assay under increasing dosage of radiation (0, 2, 4, and 6 Gy). Ordinary one-way ANOVA, SF126WT at 2 and 6 Gy: **** p < 0.0001.