Fig 2. Nonuniformities in polar angle representations are amplified from cones to mRGCs to cortex.
(A) Cone density, mRGC density, and V1 CMF for cardinal meridians as a function of eccentricity. Left panel: Cone density from Curcio et al. [9]. Middle panel: mRGC densities from Watson [64]. All data are in visual field coordinates. Black line represents the horizontal visual field meridian (average of nasal and temporal retina), green line represents lower visual field meridian (superior retina), and blue line represents upper visual field meridian (inferior retina). Cone and mRGC data are computed with the open-source software ISETBIO [65–67]. Right panel: V1 CMF computed from the HCP 7T retinotopy dataset analyzed by Benson et al. [78] (black, green, blue dots and lines) and predicted areal CMF by the formula in Horton and Hoyt [68] (dotted black line, replotted from Fig 1). All data are plotted in visual field coordinates where black, green, and blue data points represent the horizontal, lower, and upper visual field meridians, respectively. Data points represent the median V1 CMF of ±20° wedge ROIs along the meridians for 1–6° eccentricity in 1° bins. Error bars represent 68%-confidence intervals across 163 subjects using 1,000 bootstraps. Black, green, and blue lines are 1/eccentricity power functions fitted to corresponding data points. Pink dashed line is the average of fits to horizontal, upper, and lower visual field meridians from HCP 7T retinotopy dataset [78] and agrees well with Horton and Hoyt’s formula [68]. (B) Transformation ratios from cones to mRGCs and mRGCs to V1 CMF. Ratios are shown separately for the horizontal (black), lower (green) and upper (blue) visual field meridians. The mRGC:V1 CMF panel has a truncated x-axis due to the limited field-of-view during cortical measurements. These polar angle asymmetries can be found across two different computational models of mRGC density (see S1 Fig, second row).