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. 2015 Oct 23;2015(10):CD008572. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD008572.pub2

Gallagher 1994.

Methods RCT
Participants Departments of Pain Relief, Rheumatology and Orthopaedics, Guy's Hospital, London, UK (N = 41)
Inclusion criteria
  • Back pain > 3 months

  • Age 25 to 55 years

  • and ≥ 4 of the following:

    • Tenderness on palpation

    • More pain on extension than on flexion

    • Pain on rotation of the spine

    • Referred pain (above the knee)

    • Pain exacerbated by exercise and relieved by rest

    • Pain exacerbated by sitting or standing

    • Pain not exacerbated by coughing or sneezing

    • Radiological evidence of facet joint degeneration or predisposing factors

    • Pain relief over 12 hours after local anaesthetic

 Exclusion criteria
  • Previous back operations

  • Neurological signs of nerve root compression in lower limbs

  • Patients with major mental illness or severe personality disorder

  • Pending compensation claims

  • General ill health

Interventions Experiment group
  • After area was anaesthetised (nerves above and below and the painful nerve) with lignocaine 2% 0.5 mL, RF lesion was made at 80°C for 90S of medial branch of posterior primary ramus of lumbar segmental nerves

    • Group A (N = 18): good response to diagnostic block + denervation

    • Group B (N = 6): equivocal response to diagnostic block + denervation

Control  group
  • Nerves to joints were identified by stimulation, local anaesthetic was injected in the usual way, but no heat lesion was made

    • Group C (N = 12): good response to diagnostic block + placebo

    • Group D (N = 5): equivocal response to diagnostic block + placebo

Outcomes Significant differences in mean pain scores (VAS 0 to 100) between groups A and C at 1 month and at 6 months
  • Pain intensity: change in VAS score at 1 month: ‐17 (A), ‐13 (B), ‐13 (C), ‐12 (D)

  • Pain intensity: change in VAS score at 6 months: ‐7 (A), ‐5 (B), ‐3 (C), ‐17 (D)

Notes Dropouts: number unclear
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Unclear risk Remained unclear from text
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk Remained unclear from text
Blinding (performance bias and detection bias) 
 All outcomes ‐ patients? Low risk Placebo procedure indistinguishable from intervention
Blinding (performance bias and detection bias) 
 All outcomes ‐ providers? Unclear risk Remained unclear from text
Blinding (performance bias and detection bias) 
 All outcomes ‐ outcome assessors? Low risk Participant reported outcome measures by blinded participants
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes ‐ drop‐outs? Unclear risk Remained unclear from text
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes ‐ ITT analysis? Unclear risk Remained unclear from text
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Unclear risk No protocol available
Baseline characteristics similar? Low risk No differences between groups in terms of age or duration of pain
Co‐interventions avoided or similar? Unclear risk Remained unclear from text
Compliance acceptable? Low risk Irrelevant: single‐session intervention
Timing of outcome assessments similar? Low risk Participants assessed before any treatment, before denervation, at 1 month and at 6 months