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. 2021 Dec 22;127(1):279–289. doi: 10.1152/jn.00316.2021

Table 5.

AAL parcels and between groups’ significance

Left Hemisphere Parcel Name Delta Theta Alpha Beta Mean Significance Per Band Right Hemisphere Parcel Name Delta Theta Alpha Beta Mean Siginificance Per Band
Frontal Frontal_Inf_Tri_L 0.00041 * 0.00169 * 0.00340 0.00529 * 0.00067 Frontal Frontal_Med_Orb_R     0.00161   0.00161
Frontal_Inf_Orb_L 0.00663 * 0.00060 0.00643 * 0.00152 Supp_Motor_Area_R 0.00187 * 0.00187
Frontal_Mid_L 0.00465 * 0.00464 * 0.00990 * 0.00213 Precentral_R 0.00276 * 0.00276
Frontal_Inf_Oper_L 0.00135 * 0.01010 0.00905 * 0.00228 Frontal_Sup_Medial_R 0.00265 0.00916 * 0.00295
Precentral_L 0.00247 * 0.00247 Frontal_Inf_Orb_R 0.00387 * 0.00387
Supp_Motor_Area_L 0.00257 * 0.01445 0.00649 * 0.00261 Frontal_Sup_R 0.01184 0.00401 * 0.00396
Frontal_Sup_Orb_L 0.00640 0.00524 * 0.00291 Frontal_Sup_Orb_R 0.00230 0.01482 * 0.00428
Frontal_Mid_Orb_L 0.00136 0.01146 * 0.00320 Frontal_Mid_R 0.01381 0.01186 * 0.00642
Frontal_Sup_Medial_L 0.00353 0.00353 Frontal_Mid_Orb_R 0.00318 0.02275 * 0.00648
Rectus_L 0.01033 0.00995 * 0.00507 Frontal_Inf_Oper_R 0.00716 * 0.00716
Frontal_Sup_L 0.00802 0.01858 * 0.00665 Rectus_R 0.01175 0.01868 * 0.00761
Frontal_Med_Orb_L     0.00817 0.02019 * 0.00709 Frontal_Inf_Tri_R       0.00955 * 0.00955
Parietal SupraMarginal_L   0.00576 * 0.00380 * 0.00247 * 0.00134 Parietal SupraMarginal_R       0.00175 * 0.00175
Parietal_Inf_L 0.00390 * 0.00155 * 0.00136 Postcentral_R 0.00219 * 0.00219
Parietal_Sup_L 0.00164 * 0.00164 Paracentral_Lobule_R 0.00436 * 0.00436
Postcentral_L 0.00835 * 0.00177 * 0.00253 Angular_R 0.00544 * 0.00544
Angular_L 0.00887 * 0.00834 * 0.00430 Parietal_Sup_R 0.00581 * 0.00581
Precuneus_L 0.00449 * 0.00449 Precuneus_R 0.01062 * 0.01062
Paracentral_Lobule_L       0.00549 * 0.00549 Parietal_Inf_R       0.01067 * 0.01067
Temporal Temporal_Sup_L   0.00591 * 0.00343 0.00583 * 0.00169 Temporal Temporal_Pole_Mid_R   0.00587 * 0.01096 0.00196 * 0.00209
Temporal_Pole_Sup_L 0.00565 * 0.00261 * 0.01057 * 0.00209 Temporal_Pole_Sup_R 0.00313 * 0.00313
Temporal_Pole_Mid_L 0.00610 * 0.00305 0.01383 * 0.00255 Temporal_Sup_R 0.02131 0.02131
Temporal_Inf_L 0.00208 * 0.00483 * 0.02127 * 0.00313 Heschl_R 0.02565 0.02565
Temporal_Mid_L 0.00664 * 0.00758 * 0.01643 * 0.00341  
Heschl_L       0.01138 * 0.01138            
Occipital Occipital_Sup_L       0.02138 * 0.02138  
Cuneus_L       0.02298 * 0.02298  
Other Insula_L 0.00330 * 0.00664 0.01269 * 0.00251 Other Cingulum_Ant_R 0.00762 0.00522 * 0.00321
Cerebellum_10_L 0.00279 * 0.00279 Rolandic_Oper_R 0.00610 * 0.00610
Cingulum_Ant_L 0.00307 * 0.01502 0.02158 * 0.00441 Cingulum_Mid_R 0.00634 * 0.00634
Rolandic_Oper_L 0.00668 0.01272 * 0.00485 Caudate_R 0.01068 * 0.01068
Putamen_L 0.00570 * 0.01283 0.02572 * 0.00492 Insula_R 0.01270 * 0.01270
Pallidum_L 0.00540 * 0.00540 Putamen_R 0.01282 * 0.01282
Cerebellum_7b_L 0.00814 * 0.00814 Pallidum_R 0.01506 * 0.01506
Hippocampus_L 0.00928 * 0.00928 Amygdala_R 0.01752 * 0.01752
ParaHippocampal_L 0.01079 * 0.01079 Olfactory_R 0.01971 * 0.01971
Amygdala_L 0.01541 0.02862 * 0.01101  
Cingulum_Mid_L 0.01164 * 0.01164  
Cerebellum_8_L 0.01251 * 0.01251  
Thalamus_L 0.01350 * 0.01350  
Cingulum_Post_L       0.02380 * 0.02380          

P values of parcels showing significant (P < 0.01) differences in each band power between cognitive phenotypes, grouped by brain lobe and hemisphere. Parcels are ranked in increasing order by average P value for that parcel divided by total number of bands achieving significance (far right column). Left frontal lobe areas, corresponding to speech centers of Broca’s area, as well as left temporal lobe areas, are particularly prominent, showing high significance in multiple bands. Beta power significance was the most widespread of the five bands, being substantial in parcels across the brain including the occipital lobe. Given that the parcellation used (AAL) contains 116 parcels, this is far above what would be expected by chance or random fluctuation. As an additional test of whether the observed parcel power significance might simply be due to chance, we randomly permuted the parcel identities for each patient and then ran ANOVA again. In this case, even after multiple repetitions, no parcels yielded P values under 0.05. AAL, anatomical automatic labeling.


Bolded values indicate significant changes occurring between the Parkinson’s disease normal cognition (PD-NC) and Parkinson’s disease mild cognitive impairment (PD-MCI) groups rather than other group comparisons.