Correlation analysis between AAUT and paretic arm choice for RH and LH groups in no-time, medium-, and fast-time constraint conditions. Top row shows the correlations between the paretic arm use measured by AAUT and the paretic arm choice measured by the reaching system in the no-time (A), the medium- (B), and the fast- (C) time constraint conditions in the RH group. Bottom row shows the correlations in the LH group. The RH group shows moderate-to-good correlations between clinical test and the paretic arm choice in all time conditions, whereas the LH group shows only good correlation under the fast- (F) time constraint conditions, but not under the no-time (D) or the medium- (E) time constraint conditions. **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001. AAUT, Amount of Arm Use Test; LH, left hemiparesis; QOM, quality of movement scale; RH, right hemiparesis.