Fig. 4.
Consensus of residues involved in the protein:DNA binding. Intersecting set of residues represented by circles containing the significant CSP information (higher than Δδave + SD or resonances signals broadened beyond detection upon DNA binding) for the interaction of the TRS and NS with (A and B) N-NTD and (C and D) N-NTD-SR. The blue, red, and green sphere denotes the CSP set for ssDNA(+), ssDNA(−), and ds DNA, respectively. (E) The DNA-binding residues most recurrent in the intersections for the protein:DNA binding are indicated as blue spheres on the N-NTD structure. The protein is shown as a cartoon model with the β-sheet I (β2/β3/β4), β-sheet II (β1/β5), and α-helices (α1 and α2) colored in dark green, light orange, and magenta, respectively. The thumb (residues I146–V158 in α2/β5) is colored in yellow.