Figure 1.
Dolutegravir (DTG) impairs the P19C5 mouse morphogenesis model in a dose-dependent manner. A, Representative images of cell aggregates at day 4 that have been treated with DTG at the indicated concentrations. Scale bar = 500 μm. B, Morphometric parameters of day 4 cell aggregates treated with DTG. Graphs show averages of relative area, relative elongation distortion index (EDI), and relative aspect ratio (AR) with error bars of 95% CI, based on measurement of 46–48 aggregates for each condition. Asterisks indicate significant reduction (p < .01; 2-sample t test) compared with the corresponding control (0 μM). C, Impact of DTG on the number of metabolically active cells in monolayer culture after 3 days of treatment. Graph shows averages of relative cell number with error bars of SD. Asterisks indicate significant increase (p < .01; 2-sample t test) compared with the control (0 μM).