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. 2022 Jan 23;50(7):834–837. doi: 10.1016/j.ajic.2022.01.005

Table 1.

Demographics of the sample and descriptive statistics of variables

Demographic Category Frequency %
Gender Male 524 49.5
Female 526 49.7
Other 8 0.8
Race White of Caucasian 691 65.2
Hispanic, Latino/a/x, or Spanish origin 137 12.9
African American or Black 126 11.9
Asian, Asian Indian, or Asian American 63 5.9
American Indian or Alaska Native 21 2.0
Middle Eastern or North African 3 0.3
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 1 0.1
Other 18 1.7
Education Less than high school degree 21 2.0
High school degree or equivalent 265 25.0
Some college but no degree 243 22.9
Associate degree 143 13.5
Bachelor's degree 243 22.9
Master's degree 106 10.0
Doctorate degree 24 2.3
Other 3 0.3
Income $0 46 4.3
$1 - $24,999 249 23.5
$25,000 - $49,999 333 31.4
$50,000 - $74,999 200 18.9
$75,000 - $99,999 97 9.2
$100,000 - $149,999 74 7.0
$150,000 and above 49 4.6
Health condition Poor 38 3.6
Fair 176 16.6
Average 228 21.5
Good 459 43.4
Excellent 148 14.0
COVID vaccination Yes – fully vaccinated 658 62.1
Yes – partially vaccinated 74 7.0
No 303 28.6
Flu shot every year Yes 585 55.2
No 446 42.1

Descriptive statistics of dependent variables Category Frequency %

Mitigation behaviors in private Suboptimal behaviors 606 57.2
Optimal behaviors 443 41.8
Mitigation behaviors in public Suboptimal behaviors 455 42.9
Optimal behaviors 594 56.0

Descriptive statistics of independent variables Mean SD Range

Biting nails 2.03 1.26 [1.00, 5.00]
Licking fingers while eating 2.46 1.13 [1.00, 5.00]
Picking nose 2.52 1.07 [1.00, 5.00]
Rubbing eyes 3.10 0.94 [1.00, 5.00]
General hygiene practice 23.54 13.32 [1.00, 42.00]
Knowledge 8.64 2.14 [1.00, 11.00]
COVID-19 impact (α = .96) 5.01 1.57 [1.00, 7.00]
Perceived susceptibility in private 3.87 1.83 [1.00, 7.00]
Perceived susceptibility in public 4.79 1.79 [1.00, 7.00]
Perceived severity in private 3.59 1.80 [1.00, 7.00]
Perceived severity in public 4.81 1.70 [1.00, 7.00]
Benefits (α = .96) 5.25 1.25 [1.00, 7.00]
Barriers (α = .87) 3.46 1.79 [1.00, 7.00]
Self-efficacy (α = .89) 4.36 1.54 [1.00, 7.00]