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. 2022 Jan 20;9(1):30–39. doi: 10.14283/jpad.2022.4

Table 1.

MIND-AD trial inclusion criteria

• Age 60–85 years.

• Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) (21) score of ≥24 •

Availability of a study partner

Criteria for episodic memory disorder defined as −1 SD on 2 out of 8 tests, at least 1 memory
Memory Non-memory
FCSRT - delayed free recall ≤ 8 TMT A ≥ 60
FCSRT free recall - learning ≤ 22 TMT B ≥ 150
WMS-R story delayed recall (%) ≤75% Symbol Digit Substitution Test ≤ 35 (120 sec.)
WMS-R delayed recall of figures (%) ≤ 75% Category Fluency ≤ 16 (60 sec.)
Criteria for underlying AD pathology within 1 year prior to screening by either
CSF β-amyloid (1–42/1–40) *10 ratio <1 and/or total-tau and/or phospho-tau and/or β-amyloid 42 based on local cut-offs OR
MRI evidence for medial temporal lobe atrophy (MTA score 1 or higher) OR
Abnormal FDG PET and/or PiB PET compatible with AD type changes
Lifestyle index: Score of 2 or above required for inclusion. (Each ‘yes’ answer is given one point)

- Physical activity less than 2.5 hours a week* (defined as physical activity intensive enough to lead to sweating and some breathlessness)

- Diet - less than 5 portions* of fruits and vegetables per day

- Diet - less than 2 portions* of fish per week

- Hypertension (diagnosed by physician or current antihypertensive treatment or SBP>140mmHg or DBP>90 mmHg)

- Diabetes (type 1 or 2 diagnosed by physician; or current diabetes medication; or recorded elevated fasting blood glucose or HbA1C as per local guidelines within the past 6 months)

- Sleep disturbances, depressive symptoms or psychological stress symptoms, for at least one month, judged by the clinician as having some impact on everyday life.

*Based on WHO and national guidelines; AD: Alzheimer’s disease; CSF: cerebrospinal fluid; DSB: diastolic blood pressure; FCSRT: Free and Cued Selective Reminding Test; FDG PET: fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)-positron emission tomography (PET); MTA: medial temporal lobe atrophy; PiB PET: Pittsburgh compound B positron emission tomography; SBP: Systolic blood pressure; TMT: Trail making test; WMS-R: Wechsler Memory Scale-revised.