Fig. 1.
Spatial expression pattern of GmSHR genes during nodulation in soybean. (A–H) GmSHR4pro::GUS expression pattern during nodulation. The cross-sections of the roots without rhizobial infection (A) and the roots at 10 dai with rhizobia (B–G) and 20 dai (H) are shown. (I–Q) GmSHR5pro::GUS expression pattern during nodulation. The cross-sections of the roots at 0 dai (I–K), 10 dai (L–P), and 20 dai (Q) are shown. (R–U) In situ hybridization of GmSHR4/5 in roots at 10 dai. (V–Y) The areas in the yellow wireframe are the enlarged views of the boxed regions in R–U. IZ, infection zone. White arrows indicate the nodule parenchyma. Yellow and black arrows indicate the division of the outer cortical cells and inner cortical cells, respectively. White asterisks point to the division of the pericycle cells. Yellow asterisks point to the outer ground tissues. (Scale bars, 100 μm.)