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. 2022 Jan 19;76:103816. doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2022.103816

Table 5.

Mediation of proteins on the association between RDW and all-cause mortality in adults without medical conditions (sorted by p-values in indirect association).

Total association of RDW with all-cause mortality
Direct association of RDW with all-cause mortality
Indirect association of RDW with all-cause mortality through mediator
Proportion mediated
Rank Target EntrezGene
β 95%CI p-value β 95%CI p-value β 95%CI p-value
Cross-sectional analysis
1 TrkB NTRK2 0.85 0.76 0.96 0.01 0.89 0.79 1.005 0.06 0.96 0.93 0.99 0.01 54.5%
2 KLRF1 KLRF1 0.86 0.76 0.96 0.01 0.88 0.78 0.997 0.04 0.97 0.95 0.99 0.02 51.7%
3 ERBB1 EGFR 0.87 0.77 0.98 0.02 0.89 0.79 1.01 0.06 0.97 0.94 0.99 0.02 53.3%
4 TrkC NTRK3 0.86 0.77 0.97 0.02 0.89 0.79 1.003 0.06 0.97 0.95 0.996 0.02 52.3%
5 Growth hormone receptor GHR 0.85 0.75 0.96 0.01 0.88 0.78 0.99 0.04 0.96 0.93 0.996 0.03 52.7%
6 LRP1B LRP1B 0.87 0.77 0.99 0.03 0.89 0.79 1.01 0.07 0.98 0.96 0.999 0.04 51.6%
7 IGFBP-2 IGFBP2 0.87 0.77 0.98 0.02 0.88 0.78 0.99 0.04 0.99 0.97 0.9998 0.05 49.3%
Longitudinal analysis
1 TFF3 TFF3 0.36 0.08 1.66 0.19 0.55 0.11 2.78 0.47 0.66 0.44 0.98 0.04 43.9%
2 IGFBP-2 IGFBP2 0.31 0.06 1.52 0.15 0.42 0.08 2.09 0.29 0.74 0.55 0.99 0.04 33.0%

Protein-specific accelerated failure time model with exponetial estimation. RDW-mediator (one protein) associations were modeled with multivariable linear regression model. All models were adjusted for age, sex, body mass index, smoking status (current smoker or not), education level (6-year education or higher education or not), and haemoglobin.

RDW and proteins were measured at baseline. Outcome was 15-year all-cause mortality.

Longitudinal changes in RDW and proteins were calculated from {(9-year follow-up visit - baseline visit)/exact time intervals in each participant}. Outcome was 6-year all-cause mortality from 9-year follow-up visit.