Figure 2.
Clinical characteristics of the four archetypes, and groups with archetype scores identified at the extremes of the baseline phenotype spectrum
(A) Representation of the baseline phenotype spectrum of newly diagnosed T2D projected in 2 dimensions following principal-component analysis. Each point represents an individual, and the four archetypes are colored and marked as subgroups A–D. The strength of the colors represents the level of archetype membership, with individuals shown in a lighter color representing a mixed phenotype with no clearly dominating archetype.
(B) Summary of the 32 clinical variables used for the characterization of the baseline T2D phenotypic space. All variables were rank-normally transformed, and for each group with extreme archetype scores and each variable, the heatmap shows the significance level of the difference between the group and the remaining individuals from the study, as from a Mann-Whitney U test. The color of the heatmap reflects the directionality and magnitude of the test estimate, with red indicating higher values and blue indicating lower values characteristic of the given group.
(C) Pie chart showing the percentage of individuals belonging to each of the four groups with extreme archetype scores and in the mixed etiology group.
(D) Table of the number of individuals represented in each of the four groups with extreme archetype scores and in the mixed etiology group.
Values statistically different from zero are marked as ∗p < 0.05, ∗∗p < 0.01, and ∗∗∗p < 0.001.