Figure 4.
Association between archetypes and disease progression as defined by the slope of the HbA1c increase and by glucose-lowering medication during the 36-month study period
(A) T2D disease progression assessed as HbA1c slopes as dependent variables and archetype scores as independent variables. The analysis was divided into all individuals, untreated individuals, and individuals treated with glucose-lowering medication at baseline for each archetype.
(B) Ability of individual phenotypes to predict T2D disease progression. Combinations of phenotypes constituting archetypes A and D had the highest power to predict disease progression.
(C) Forest plot showing the odds ratios between archetype scores and individuals receiving metformin treatment or increasing their metformin treatment (change) during the study period.
(D) Forest plot showing the odds ratios between archetype scores and individuals receiving glucose-lowering treatment or increasing their treatment (change) during the study period.
Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals. Statistically significant results (p < 0.05) from linear or logistic regression are shown in opaque colors.