Fig. 4.
Estimates from multivariable observational analyses, multivariable one-sample MR analyses and multivariable two-sample MR IVW analyses for exposures BMI and WHR per SD unit. Shown are point, estimates, alongside 95% CIs for the effect of each exposure on yearly hospital admission rate in UK Biobank participants of White British ancestry. The results are plotted on the log scale, to ensure symmetrical CIs and comparability of magnitude across estimates. Rate estimates and x-axis values are given on the rate scale. MR analyses were adjusted for age, sex and the first 40 genetic PCAs. The multivariable observational analyses were adjusted for a range of baseline patient characteristics (Table 1), with the BMI estimate adjusted for WHR and vice versa. Notes: BMI = body mass index, CI = confidence interval, IVW = inverse variance weighted, MR = Mendelian randomization, SD = standard deviation, WHR = waist hip ratio.