Fig. 2.
Myopathogenes causing muscular dystrophies and myopathies and the subset within the Gene Ontology Satellite Cell term with their associated muscle disorders. A. Distribution of the 116 myopathogenes [15] between human inherited muscular dystrophies (MDs), congenital muscular dystrophies (CMDs), congenital myopathies (CMPs) and distal myopathies (DMs). B. Venn diagram showing the number of myopathogenes shared between the selected muscle disease groupings. C. Gene Ontologies (GOs) containing ‘Satellite Cell’ comprising the term Gene Ontology Satellite Cell (GOSC). D. This novel GOSC contains 30 satellite cell-associated annotated genes. E. Venn diagram showing that four of the myopathogenes involved in satellite cell function in GOSC are associated with muscular dystrophy/myopathy when mutated: PAX7, SELENON (formerly SEPN1), MEGF10 and CAPN3 (green overlap). F. Predominant muscle groups (dotted black line depicts diaphragm) affected by mutations in PAX7 (MYOSCO), SELENON (RSMD1), MEGF10 (EMARDD) and CAPN3 (LGMD1R). Each disorder is colour coded as per A and B to indicate category.