Table 1.
Clinical and cellular parameters collected from COVID-19 patients and healthy controls.
Clinical characteristics of 3-months post-COVID-19 patients, with or w/o pulmonary embolism (PE) and healthy controls. Percentage of ECFC colonies, number of ECFC colonies and time for ECFC to appear in 3-months post-COVID-19 patients with or w/o PE and healthy controls, Mann-Whitney test, *p<0.05. Relationship between appearance of ECFC colonies and clinical characteristics in COVID-19 patients, Chi-square test, *p<0.05.
Variables | Total COVID-19, n=32 | CL, n=31 | P-value (Total COVID-19 vs CL) | COVID-19 w/o PE, n=18 | COVID-19 with PE, n=14 | P-value (COVID-19 with PE vs w/o PE) |
Age, years | 64,2 ± 13,6 | 58,6 ± 8,21 | ns | 67,5 ± 10,2 | 59,9 ± 16,5 | ns |
Male sex n (%) | 27 (84,4%) | 20 (64,5%) | ns | 16 (88,9%) | 11 (78,6%) | ns |
BMI (Kg/m2) | 27,5 ± 3,71 | 26,7 ± 4,78 | ns | 27,1 ± 3,10 | 27,9 ± 4,47 | ns |
Smokers (%) | 1 (3,1%) | 1 (3,23%) | ns | 0 (0 %) | 1 (7,14%) | ns |
No smokers (%) | 15 (46,9%) | 19 (31,3%) | ns | 5 (27,8 %) | 10 (71,4%) | ns |
Ex-smokers (%) | 16 (50,0%) | 11 (35,5%) | ns | 13 (72,2%) | 3 (21,4%) | ns |
HTA (%) | 17 (53,1%) | 7 (22,6%) | P<0.05 * | 8 (44,4%) | 9 (64,3%) | ns |
DM (%) | 4 (12,5%) | 0 (0%) | P<0.05 * | 2 (11,1%) | 2 (14,3%) | ns |
DLP (%) | 5 (15,6%) | 2 (6,45%) | ns | 3 (16,7%) | 2 (14,3%) | ns |
FVC (%) | 98,5 ± 16,2 | 95,2 ± 13,8 | ns | 98,0 ± 18,5 | 98,8 ± 12,9 | ns |
FEV1 (%) | 92,8 ± 27,9 | 100 ± 15,1 | ns | 90,3 ± 31,7 | 95,4 ± 21,8 | ns |
FEV1/FVC (%) | 94,3 ± 22,5 | 81,0 ± 5,32 | P<0.0001**** | 92,9 ± 27,5 | 95,8 ± 14,1 | ns |
TLC (L) | 109 ± 25,8 | ND | x | 113 ± 33,2 | 104 ± 13,9 | ns |
RV (L) | 109 ± 25,9 | ND | x | 106 ± 20,7 | 114 ± 31,3 | ns |
DLCO (%) | 74,3 ± 16,7 | ND | x | 72,9 ± 20,3 | 74,5 ± 12,3 | ns |
6MWT (m) | 364 ± 72,3 | ND | x | 343 ± 82,7 | 385 ± 55,5 | ns |
Hb (g/dL) | 14,1 ± 1,80 | 14,4 ± 1,60 | ns | 13,7 ± 1,78 | 14,7 ± 1,77 | ns |
HTC (%) | 43,2 ± 4,89 | 43,0 ± 3,92 | ns | 42,3 ± 5,20 | 44,6 ± 4,28 | ns |
Lym (K/mcL) | 2,23 ± 0,87 | 1,94 ± 0,54 | ns | 2,33 ± 0,95 | 2,08 ± 0,74 | ns |
LDH (mg/dL) | 193 ± 32,6 | 180 ± 18,4 | ns | 188 ± 34,6 | 201 ± 29,0 | ns |
MF (ng/mL) | 153 ± 117 | 108 ± 93,9 | ns | 149 ± 105 | 161 ± 146 | ns |
CRP (mg/dL) | 0,31 ± 0,58 | 0,10 ± 0,06 | ns | 0,42 ± 0,70 | 0,10 ± 0,05 | ns |
Troponin (ng/L) | 17,94 ± 12,7 | 6,37 ± 3,65 | P<0.0001**** | 20,2 ± 12,7 | 14,2 ± 12,4 | ns |
Positive DD (%) | 2 (6,25 %) | 1 (3,23 %) | ns | 2 (12,5 %) | 0 (0%) | ns |
FIB (mg/dL) | 396 ± 76,3 | 410 ± 62,2 | ns | 408 ± 73,0 | 372 ± 82,4 | ns |
Appearance of ECFC colonies (%) | 27 (84,4%) | 15 (48,4%) | P<0.01 ** | 14 (77,8%) | 13 (92,9%) | ns |
Number of ECFC colonies | 2,81 ± 2,33 | 1,23 ± 1,86 | P<0.01** | 2,50 ± 2,23 | 3,21 ± 2,49 | ns |
Time for ECFC to appear (days) | 10,9 ± 4,39 | 14,3 ± 4,76 | P<0.01** | 11,1 ± 3,16 | 10,7 ± 5,54 | ns |
Abbreviations and acronyms: Healthy control (CL); Pulmonary embolism (PE); Body mass index (BMI); Arterial hypertension (HTA); Diabetes mellitus (DM); Dyslipidemia (DLP); Forced vital capacity (FVC); Forced expiratory volume (FEV); Total lung capacity (TLC); Residual volume (RV); Carbon monoxide diffusing capacity (DLCO); Six minute walk test (6MWT); Hemoglobin (Hb); Hematocrit (HTC); Lymphocytes (Lym); Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH); Maximum Ferritin (MF); C reactive protein (CRP); Dimer-D (DD); Fibrinogen (FIB); Endothelial colony-forming cells (ECFC).