Table 1. Select Plasmids Available from the Addgene Repository.
Catalog Number | Name | Source | Notes |
Recombinase AAV Plasmids | |||
105555 | pENN.AAV.hSyn.Cre.hGH | James M. Wilson (University of Pennsylvania) | Expresses Cre using the hSyn1 promoter. Does not contain a WPRE. |
51507 | AAV pmSyn1-EBFP-Cre | Hongkui Zeng (Allen Institute for Brain Science) | Expresses Cre fused to eBFP using the mouse synapsin 1 (mSyn1) promoter. Does not contain a WPRE. |
51669 | AAV phSyn1(S)-FlpO-bGHpA | Hongkui Zeng (Allen Institute for Brain Science) | Expresses FlpO using the hSyn1 promoter. FlpO is codon-optimized for mice. Does not contain a WPRE. |
149296 | pAAV-nef-CIAO2-Flp | Edward Callaway (Salk Institute) | For Cre-dependent expression of FlpO. Uses a CIAO design to reduce leak expression. |
Cre-Dependent Fluorescent Reporter AAV Plasmids | |||
28306 | pAAV-FLEX-tdTomato | Edward Boyden (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) | For Cre-dependent expression of tdTomato. |
51502 | AAV pCAG-FLEX-EGFP-WPRE | Hongkui Zeng (Allen Institute for Brain Science) | For Cre-dependent expression of eGFP. |
114471 | pAAV-Ef1a-fDIO mCherry | Karl Deisseroth (Stanford University) | For Flp-dependent expression of mCherry. |
45185 | AAV-EF1a-BbTagBY | Joshua Sanes (Harvard University), Dawen Cai (University of Michigan) | For Cre-dependent Brainbow 3.1 labeling by coinjection with AAV #45186. |
45186 | AAV-EF1a-BbChT | Joshua Sanes (Harvard University), Dawen Cai (University of Michigan) | For Cre-dependent Brainbow 3.1 labeling by coinjection with AAV #45185. |
55650 | pAAV-hSyn Con/Fon EYFP | Karl Deisseroth (Stanford University) | For expression of eYFP requiring both Cre and Flp activity. |
112677 | pAAV EF1a Nuc-flox(mCherry)-EGFP | Brandon Harvey (National Institutes of Health) | For expression of nuclear-localized mCherry that is switched to nuclear-localized eGFP by Cre activity. |
Additional Cre-Dependent AAV Plasmids | |||
20298 | pAAV-EF1a-double floxed-hChR2(H134R)-EYFP-WPRE-HGHpA | Karl Deisseroth (Stanford University) | For optogenetic excitation by Cre-dependent expression of channelrhodopsin-2 fused to eYFP. |
22222 | AAV-FLEX-Arch-GFP | Edward Boyden (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) | For optogenetic inhibition by Cre-dependent expression of archaerhodopsin-3 fused to eGFP. |
44361 | pAAV-hSyn-DIO-hM3D(Gq)-mCherry | Bryan Roth (University of North Carolina) | For chemogenetic excitation by Cre-dependent expression of Gq-coupled human muscarinic receptor fused to mCherry. |
44362 | pAAV-hSyn-DIO-hM4D(Gi)-mCherry | Bryan Roth (University of North Carolina) | For chemogenetic inhibition by Cre-dependent expression of Gi-coupled human muscarinic receptor fused to mCherry. |
104492 | pGP-AAV-syn-FLEX-jGCaMP7f-WPRE | Douglas Kim and GENIE project (Howard Hughes Medical Institute) | For Cre-dependent expression of the fluorescent calcium sensor jGCaMP7f. |
124364 | pAAV-FLEX-DTR-GFP | Eiman Azim (Salk Institute), Thomas Jessell (Howard Hughes Medical Institute) | For targeted cell ablation by Cre-dependent expression of the diphtheria toxin receptor fused to eGFP. |
Other Plasmids | |||
81070 | rAAV2-retro helper | Alla Karpova (Howard Hughes Medical Institute), David Schaffer (UC Berkeley) | Helper plasmid for production of AAV2-retro. |
100798 | pAAV-syn-FLEX-splitTVA-EGFP-tTA | Ian Wickersham (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) | For Cre-dependent expression of rabies helper TVA protein and eGFP when coinjected with AAV #100799. |
100799 | pAAV-TREtight-mTagBFP2-B19G | Ian Wickersham (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) | For Cre-dependent expression of rabies helper G protein and mTagBFP2 when coinjected with AAV #100798. |
The abbreviation “FLEX” stands for “flip excision,” which is an alternative term for a Cre-dependent DIO design.