Number of species |
3 |
28 |
piRNA entries |
9,98,585 |
92,77,689 |
Chromosomal distribution |
Yes |
Yes |
Association with gene |
Yes |
Yes |
Association with pseudogene |
Yes |
Yes |
Association with repeat elements |
Yes |
Yes |
Cluster information |
Yes (Lau et al. method), for 3 species |
Yes (Density based clustering approach), for 19 species |
Association of clusters with genomic regions |
Yes |
Yes |
Syntenic piRNA clusters |
Yes |
Yes |
Ping-pong piRNAs |
Yes |
Yes |
Ping-pong pattern Visualization |
No |
Yes |
Tissue specific expression |
Yes (Tissue type – 6, No. of Samples – 9) |
Yes (Noraml Tissue type – 32, No. of Samples – 243) |
piRNA disease association |
No |
Yes (16 types of cancer, 2 neurodegenerative diseases amd 3 other diseases) |
Graphical representation of expression |
No |
Yes (For 32 normal tissue types and 16 types of cancer, 2 neurodegenerative diseases amd 3 other diseases) |
Predicted piRNA – mRNA target pairs |
No |
Yes (For seven types of cancer, asthenozoospermia and mouse testis) |
Predicted piRNA targets within lncRNAs |
No |
Yes (For seven types of cancers, asthenozoospermia and mouse testis) |
piRNA target genes (literature curated) |
No |
Yes (for Human, Mouse and C. elegans) |
Target prediction tool |
No |
Yes |
Ping-pong overlap prediction tool |
No |
Yes |