Fig. 5.
Kinetic curves obtained for Aβ RT-QuIC reactions seeded with the fibrillar extract from sAD, rpAD, and controls. (a) The kinetic curves plotted using an average of four measurements recorded for each of three biological replicates in every experimental group (b) Non-demented controls depicted higher absorbance in comparison to seed-only and substrate-only controls. However, no increase was recorded in the signal throughout the experiments, indicating that no seeding occurred in this group. (c) Only the rpAD and sAD showed an increase in Th-T signal and seeding occurred faster in sAD cases. (d) Seeds extracted in PBS (corresponding to tris-soluble fraction) did not undergo aggregation under these reaction conditions. The relative duration of lag and exponential phase for (e) sAD and (f) rpAD cases is also presented. Error bars represent SEM