Fig. 9. Respiratory modulation of cortical excitability.
a Schematic of the experimental design for testing the effect of optogenetically induced hippocampal ripples on the prefrontal network. An excitatory opsin (AAV2/9-CaMKIIa-ChETA) was injected in the dCA1 and a silicon probe paired with an optic fiber was inserted to generate opto-rippled and to record the induced activity. Simultaneously, a silicon probe was implanted in the mPFC to record the effect of the intrinsic and optogenetically induced ripples. b Example histological reconstruction of the opsin expression in the dorsal hippocampus. c Example trace (top) and wavelet real part (middle) and power (bottom) of the oscillation generated in the dCA1 pyramidal layer during the optogenetic stimulation. Note the similarity with ripple oscillations. d Cross-correlation of firing with respect to optogenetic stimulation for one example dCA1 neuron and raster-plot for all events. e Probability distribution of the frequency of evoked oscillations during light stimulation (N = 3 mice). f Example average evoked response in the mPFC LFP triggered on the opto-ripple generation in the dCA1. g Example trajectory of the mPFC population around the time of inspiration when an opto-ripple is generated during inspiration. h Evoked response in the mPFC neuronal population triggered on the opto-ripple generation in the dCA1. Inset, distribution of the evoked response amplitude for all cells (n = 398 cells). i Z-score normalized prefrontal neuron evoked activity magnitude (n = 788/397 cells) in response to intrinsic for pre and post-OD conditions (top) and optogenetically-generated (n = 342 cells) (bottom) ripples, as a function of the respiratory phase of occurrence of the ripple. Shaded areas, mean ± SEM. arb. units arbitrary units.