Demonstration of YJJQE. The figure was a schematic diagram of five actions, mainly including knee flexion, timing of exhalation and inhalation, and the direction of eye observation. (A) Movement: Place both elbow joints flexed in front of the chest, Bilateral flexion (2,3), and extension (4,5) of the knee joint. Breathing rhythm: Inhalation (2,3), Exhalation (4,5). Meditation: Staring at the floor 3 m ahead (2,3), focus on the position of the knee joint (4,5). (B) Movement: Extend one side of the upper limb to 45° outside of the head, Standing on one leg with knee flexed (2,3), with extended (4,5). Breathing rhythm: Inhalation (2,3), Exhalation (4,5). Meditation: Staring at the raised palm (2,3), focus on the position of the knee joint (4,5). (C) Movement: Both heels off the ground, toes grasping, both arms extended forward (2,3). Both heels fall to the ground with both upper limbs flexed backwards (4,5). Breathing rhythm: Inhalation (2,3), Exhalation (4,5). Meditation: Staring at the floor 3 m ahead (2,3), focus on the position of the knee joint (4,5). (D) Movement: Lateral lunge, center of gravity forward foot (2,3), Lateral lunge, the center of gravity moves backward and the hip joint rotates outward (4,5). Breathing rhythm: Inhalation (2,3), Exhalation (4,5). Meditation: Staring at the floor 3 m ahead (2,3), focus on the position of the knee joint (4,5). (E) Movement: Press both hands down on both sides of the knee joint with knee flexion (maximum Angle) (2,3), with knee extension flexion (maximum Angle) (4,5). Breathing rhythm: Inhalation (2,3), Exhalation (4,5). Meditation: Staring at the floor 3 m ahead (2,3), focus on the position of the knee joint (4,5).