Figure 1.
Sequence analysis of Cdc4 proteins. (A) Schematic illustration of Cdc4 proteins in C. neoformans (CnCdc4), S. cerevisiae (ScCdc4), C. albicans (CaCdc4), and A. fumigatus (AfCdc4). F-box, F-box domain; WD, WD40 domains. (B) C. neoformans Cdc4 protein shows high identity and similarity to the Cdc4 proteins of S. cerevisiae, C. albicans, and A. fumigatus. (C) Comparison of the region spanning F-box and WD40 domains in Cdc4 protein sequences of C. neoformans (CnCdc4), S. cerevisiae (ScCdc4), C. albicans (CaCdc4), and A. fumigatus (AfCdc4). The F-box domain and each WD40 domain were labeled by blue and red round rectangular box, respectively.