Figure 3.
Gene expression alterations in cervix tumors. Volcano plots showing over- and underexpressed genes in cervix tumors. Each dot represents a gene of the nCounter® PanCancer IO 360 Gene Expression Panel. Y-axis: p-values after the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure (-log10 scale). X-axis: Fold of change is calculated with healthy controls as baseline reference (log2 ratio). (A) CCNR vs. healthy controls. (B) CCLR vs. healthy controls. (C) CCDR vs. healthy controls. (D) Venn diagram showing differentially overexpressed genes in CCNR, CCLR, CCNR relative to healthy controls. CCNR, Cervical cancer no recurrence; CCLR, Cervical cancer local recurrence; CCDR, Cervical cancer distant recurrence.