Figure 1.
From left to right: Cine CMR long axis data sets are used for left ventricular haemodynamic forces estimation. End‐systolic and end‐diastolic borders are traced and tracked frame‐by‐frame to allow endocardial border movement reconstruction in a three‐dimensional model. Apex‐to‐base and latero‐septal haemodynamic forces are estimated over time and graphically represented as curves. Haemodynamic forces distribution in a selected period of time is represented using a polar plot. 2C, two chamber view; 3C, three chamber view; 3D, three‐dimensional; 4C, four chamber view; A, apex; B, base; ED, end‐diastole; ES, end‐systole; HDFs, haemodynamic forces; L, lateral wall; MR, magnetic resonance; S, septum.