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. 2022 Jan 25;211:114608. doi: 10.1016/j.jpba.2022.114608

Table 2.

Nano-biosensor designs addressing the detection and quantification of Coronavidae family members considering types of clinical sample, nanomaterial, bioreceptor molecules, and transducers.

Nano-material Linear Range Immobilized Viral Element LOD Transducer References
IMMUNOSENSOR MERS-CoV AuNPs 0.001–100ng/mL Recombinant protein S 1.0 pg/mL Voltametric [15]
SARS-CoV In2O3 nanowire nd Antibody mimic proteins (AMPs) to detect N protein < 1 nM FET [54]
Gold binding polypeptides nd Fusion of polypetpides to coronavirus surphace antigen 200ng/mL SPR [51]
SARS-CoV-2 Graphene nd Specific antibody against S protein 1.6 x 101 pfu/mL and 2.42 x 102 copies/mL FET [13]
AuNPs 1 fM - 1 µM Monoclonal antibody 0.09 pM Electrochemical [44]
AuNPs nd Anti-human IgM and IgG antibodies nd Colorimetric [35]
LNPs nd Recombinant N protein nd Optical [42]
AuNPs nd Antibodies against surface proteins - S, E and M Positive if Ct <35 at real-time PCR<< Colorimetric [53]
AuNPs nd N protein monoclonal antibodies 103-104 virus copies/0.1mL corresponding to 10-18 M of N protein Colorimetric [55]
Carbon nanofiber-modified 0.1 pg/mL - 1 μg/mL N protein 0.8 pg/mL Electrochemical [14]
Graphene nd S antibodies 0.02 mg/mL S recombinant protein Electrochemical [17]
nd Recombinant N protein
S antibodies
F10 4E-5; F11 8.5E-5, and BK7-prism 7E-5 RIU* SPP
GENOSENSOR MERS-CoV AuNPs nd 30 bp dsDNA from upE and ORF1a 1 pmol/μL Colorimetric-
AgNPs nd acpcDNA 1.53 nM Colorimetric [59]
SARS-CoV QDs nd RNA aptamer 0.1 pg/mL Optical [48]
AuNPs 2.5 - 50 pmol/L ssDNA 2.5 pmol/L Electrochemical [49]
SARS-CoV-2 AuNPs 1 pM – 1 nM Synthetic cDNA 0.22 pM PPT + LSPR [47]
SPCnAuE 2.5 – 50 pM 30-mer oligonucleotide 2.5pM Voltametric [60]
NPs nd FITC-labeled primers from ORF1ab and N gene 12 copies/reaction mRT-LAMP coupled toLFB h [61]
pcMNPs (iron) 10 - 105 copies/reaction ORF l ab and N gene 10 copies/reaction RT-PCR i [62]
Au-colloid cDNA - RdRp gene 0.05 ng RNA Colorimetric [46]
AuNPs 0.2 – 3 ng μL-1 ASOS 0.18 ng/μL SPR-colorimetric [21]
Iron oxide NPs 10 – 100 pM cDNA - RdRp gene 0.4 fM Optomagnetic [43]
AuNPs nd ssDNA against N gene sequence 6.9 copies/μL Electrochemical [63]

LOD – minimum limit of detection (as included in the original articles); AuNPs - gold nanoparticles; FET - field-effect transistors; SPR - surface plasmon resonance; SPP - surface plasmon polaritons;; LSPR - surface plasmon resonance; PPT -plasmonic photothermal; mRT-LAMP - transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification; LBF - lateral flow biosensor; RT-PCR - real-time reverse-transcription; C2CA - circle-to-circle amplification; ssDNA - single strand DNA; IgM - immunoglobulin M; IgG – immunoglobulin G; LNPs -lanthanide-doped polystirene nanoparticles; AuNRs - gold nanorods; Ct – cycle threshold; upE - E gene; ORF - open reading frames; RdRp - RNA-dependent RNA 34 polymerase; SA-DNPs -streptavidin-coated nanoparticles; pcMNPs – carboxil-coated magnetic nanoparticles; acpcDNA: pyrrolidinyl peptide nucleic acid; QDs -quantum dots; RNA aptamer – synthetic RNA probe from N protein gene; ssDNA: 45-nucleotide sequence from N protein gene; cDNA synthetized from RdRp and ORF1 ab; SPCnAuE: nanogold structured-screen-printed carbon electrode; 30-mer oligonucleotide; synthetic sequence from SARS genome comprising the 29218-29247 region; FITC (fluorescein)-/digoxin- and biotin-labeled primers; pcMNPs - poly (amino ester) with carboxyl groups (PC)-coated magnetic nanoparticles; ASOS - thiol-modified antisense oligonucleotides specific for N-gene; cDNA – complementary DNA synthetized from RNA sequence