Figure 8.
Effect of various concentrations of NSGM 2 on clot lysis (fibrinolysis) over time (A) and the dose dependent inhibition of clot lysis by inhibitor 2 (B). The effect was determined at pH 7.4 and 37 °C by measuring the UV absorbance of each well containing different concentration of 2 at 405 nm over 410 min. The rate of fibrinolysis over the time period of 50–200 min in the presence of NSGM 2 was transformed into % fibrinolysis using the rate in the absence of NSGM 2. Experiments were performed at pH 7.4 and 37 °C, as described in the Experimental Part. Solid lines represent the sigmoidal dose–response fits (eq 1) to the data to obtain the values of IC50, ΔY, and HS.