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. 2020 Jun;32(2):64–73. doi: 10.4314/mmj.v32i2.3

Table 2.

Summary of the main findings from literature searches (date order)

Author (year) Year Rural/Urban Mean Age (years) Setting and study design Sample size Assessment methods
Zverev 2001 Urban Children in primary school, children from each class were randomly selected 539 Peak expiratory flow only. No symptoms questionnaires. No spirometry
Cook 2013 Urban clinic 11.5 Consecutive recruitment from paediatric Sickle Cell Anaemia Clinic 25 Self-reported respiratory symptoms (ISAAC questionnaire) and spirometry.
Mwalukomo 2016 Urban clinic 11.1 First 3 eligible patients at paediatric HIV clinic per day were recruited 160 Self-reported respiratory symptoms and clinical observation and spirometry
Lelijveld 2017 Urban hospital Cases: consecutive patients admitted with severe acute malnutrition in 2006–2007. Sibling controls: closest in age to case. Community controls: random direction selected from case home then door-to-door recruitment (age- & sex-matched). 320 cases (of 477 alive 1 year after original discharge); 217 sibling controls; 184 community controls Spirometry
Rylance 2019 Rural 7.1 Population sampling with control and intervention arm 804 including 476 (260 intervention and 216 control) from CAPS households Self-reported respiratory symptoms (BOLD questionnaire) and spirometry
Fullerton 2011 Rural/urban 39 Cross-sectional survey. Rural: first household semi-randomly selected, then snowballing sampling strategy. 374 Self-reported respiratory symptoms and diagnoses and spirometry.
Urban: randomly selected from 360 research volunteers, then snowballing sampling strategy.
Biased selection toward women
To 2012 Rural/urban Multi-stage cluster design: random 3890 Self-reported respiratory symptoms and diagnoses and self-reported doctor diagnosed.
Jary 2014 Rural 35 Community based survey of women wishing to purchase a cookstove - not randomly selected. 51 Self-reported respiratory symptoms.
Meghjia 2016 Urban 42 Random sample from enumerated population - age- and sex-stratified population-representative sample. 1059 (of 1240 eligible) Self-reported respiratory symptoms (BOLD questionnaire) and spirometry.
Manjomo 2016 Urban All patients registered with NCDs attending a chronic care clinic at a primary health care centre. 1135 Diagnosis of asthma at clinic
Wang 2016 Rural Cross sectional survey, from three districts. Sampling method unclear. Paediatric adult overlap with participant 10–65 years old. 5643 individuals from 1199 households Self-reported chronic respiratory symptoms reported as a group
Banda 2017 Rural 36 Population proportional sampling using electronic satellite maps: 30 villages randomly selected from each cluster (27 health centre catchment population), 7 households randomly selected from each village. 15795 individuals from 6304 households with 1728 who had health passports checked for symptoms Self-reported respiratory symptoms / health passport assessment of symptoms.
Das 2017 Rural/peri-urban 37.3 Random sample of households from representative villages. 655 households (382 rural, 273 peri-urban). Self-reported respiratory symptoms.

From the same study population.