FIG 4.
Specificity of purified naturally acquired human antibodies against CyRPA. (A) Plasma samples from the malaria-infected individuals were pooled, and antibody response against CyRPA and MSP-Fu (chimera of MSP-119 plus MSP-3) was assessed by ELISA before affinity purification of CyRPA-specific human antibodies. CyRPA and MSP-Fu both showed an immunogenic response in the pooled plasma before enrichment. In comparison, MSP-Fu exhibited a much stronger response than CyRPA, as shown in Fig. 2. (B) Affinity-purified CyRPA-specific naturally acquired human antibodies were assessed through ELISA by their ability to recognize CyRPA and MSP-Fu. In the affinity-purified antibody sample, the antibodies detected only CyRPA and failed to cross-react with MSP-Fu, thus confirming the specificity of the affinity-purified naturally acquired CyRPA human antibodies.