Figure 2.
miR-514a-3p and miR-758-3p expression in human placental tissue and cells. Total RNA was isolated from fresh first trimester (n = 8) and term (n = 8) human placental tissue, and levels of miR-514a-3p (A), miR-758-3p (B) and PTPN11 mRNA (C) were assessed by qPCR. Data were expressed relative to 5SrRNA, and lines show median relative expression levels. Differences in expression between the two gestational age periods were considered different when P< 0.05 (Mann–Whitney U-test). The correlation between the levels of miR-514a-3p and miR-758-3p with PTPN11 expression was assessed by Spearman rank correlation test (D). r and Pvalues for each miRNA are displayed. Levels of miR-514a-3p (E) and miR-758-3p (F) were assessed in a panel of placental cell lines (BeWo, JAR, JEG and SWAN-71), primary cells from first-trimester placenta (primary cytotrophoblast, CT and primary stromal cells) and fragments of whole placental tissue from term or first-trimester placenta. Levels are expressed as levels of specific miRNA relative to 5SrRNA.