ERBB2 amplification frequencies, CN distribution, and amplicon size across GEA samples. (A) Frequency of ERBB2 amplification detected in all GEA tissue samples as well as in esophageal/GEJ and gastric subsets and breast cancer samples in the Foundation Medicine Genomic Database. (B) Similar ERBB2 CN distribution was observed in ERBB2-amplified esophageal/GEJ, gastric, and breast subsets. (C) ERBB2 CN distribution in ERBB2-amplified GEA and breast cancer samples bucketed by ERBB2 amplicon size. For amplicons > 0.16 Mbp, increased focality significantly correlated with higher ERBB2 CN (P < .001). CN, copy number; GEA, gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma; GEJ, gastroesophageal junction; Mbp, megabase pairs.