The relationship of Mo-MDSCs with T cell subpopulations.
(A) Correlation of the blood level of Mo-MDSCs with Treg cells. Mo-MDSCs were identified in peripheral blood by flow cytometry, as described in “Materials and methods”, and Treg cells as CD4+ Foxp3+. Mo-MDSCs’ levels are presented as percent values of nucleated cells (NC) from PBMC while Treg levels are presented as percent of CD4+Foxp3+ lymphocytes (n = 27).
(B) Correlation of the blood level of Mo-MDSCs with CD8+ T cells specific for Her2/neu, identified by flow cytometry. Blood level of Mo-MDSCs and HLA-A2 HER-2/neu369–377 specific CD8+ T cells is presented as percent of PBMCs and lymphocytes, respectively (n = 12).