Fig. 1. Effect of PHR2 mutation and overexpression on root colonization by AM fungi.
Percent root length colonization (RLC) total (A), arbuscules (B), and vesicles (C) of the indicated genotypes inoculated with R. irregularis (AMF) for 7 weeks at low phosphate (25 µM Pi, LP) or high phosphate (500 µM Pi, HP). D Percent RLC of the indicated genotypes inoculated with AMF for 7 weeks at LP. Arb.: Arbuscules; Ves.: Vesicles. Confocal images of AMF in roots of wild type (E) and phr2 (F). Arbuscule phenotype in wild type (G) and phr2 (H) roots. E, extraradical hypha; H, hyphopodium; I, intraradical hypha; A, arbuscule. Scale-bars: E, F: 100 μm and G, H: 10 μm. Statistics: Individual data points and mean ± SE are shown. A–C N = 5 independent plants; Brown-Forsythe and Welch’s One-Way ANOVA test with Games–Howell’s multiple comparisons test. Different letters indicate statistical differences. D N = 5 independent plants; Mann–Whitney test (two-tailed) between phr2(C) and wild type for Total (p = 0.0079), arbuscules (p = 0.0079) and vesicles (p = 0.0079). Asterisks indicate significance of difference: ** p ≤ 0.01. E–H The phenotype was observed in 11 (6 + 5) independent plants in two independent experiments.