Fig. 4. PHR1A is required for full colonization of Lotus japonicus roots by R. irregularis.
Percent intraradical hyphae (A), arbuscules (B), and vesicles (C) of hairy roots for indicated genotypes inoculated with R. irregularis (AMF) for 4 weeks at 250 µM Pi or 2500 µM Pi. EV, empty vector. D Relative transcript accumulation in mock-inoculated (Mock) hairy roots of the indicated genotypes in parallel with the experiment in Fig. 5A–C. Statistics: Individual data points and mean ± SE are shown. A–C N = 5–13 independent plants; Brown–Forsythe and Welch’s One-Way ANOVA test with Games–Howell’s multiple comparisons test. Different letters indicate statistical differences between the samples. D N = 3 independent root systems; Mann–Whitney test (two-tailed). Different letters indicate statistical differences between statistical groups.