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. 2022 Jan 25;13:474. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-28028-x

Fig. 2. The guide-intrinsic mismatch tolerance (GMT) and its underlying biophysical mechanism.

Fig. 2

a The mutation rates at 1-mismatch target sequences of two example gRNAs that are associated with high GMT (left) and low GMT (right). Each dot corresponds to a specific mismatched target. The red dashed line represents the mutation rate at perfectly matched target. b A box plot showing the distributions of off-on ratios of 6 gRNAs at synthetic single targets harboring 1-, 2-, or 3-mismatches. The data represent n = 66 1-MM, 2,079 2-MM, and 100 3-MM gRNA-target pairs for each gRNA. The box plot displays a median line, interquartile range boxes and min to max whiskers. c A heatmap showing the mismatch-dependent effect conditioned on the position and nucleotide context of the mismatch. rX:dY represents a mismatch where a nucleotide X in crRNA is paired with a nucleotide Y in the complementary target DNA. d A sequence logo demonstrating the log-odds ratios of nucleotide frequency between gRNAs with high GMT (top 25%) and low GMT (bottom 25%). e Performance comparison of the mononucleotide and dinucleotide models in the prediction of GMT, with various numbers of convolutional kernels. Each dot represents an iteration of 10-fold cross-validation. *p<0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. The p-values were calculated using two-tailed t-test. Data (n = 10) are presented as mean values ±SD. The exact p-values from left to right are: 1.8e-04, 9.6e-03, 0.011, 0.017, 0.027. f A dot plot showing the specificity of the gRNAs predicted to be of high GMT (top 25%, n = 15) or low GMT (bottom 25%, n = 15), across a panel of Cas9 variants. The gRNA specificity is measured as the ratio of genome-wide off-target read counts to on-target read counts in TTISS experiments18. **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. The p-values were calculated using two-tailed Manny-Whitney U test. The exact p-values from left to right are: 4.72e-05,1.68e-05, 3.32e-05, 1.22e-04, 9.75e-05, 6.93e-04, 6.93e-04, 0.019, 0.08. g The average free-energy landscapes of the gRNAs are associated with high GMT (top 25%) or low GMT (bottom 25%). The shadows represent standard error for 95% confidence interval. h A scatter plot showing the correlation between the fitted dinucleotide parameters in the prediction model and the differences of base-stacking energy between DNA-DNA and RNA-DNA hybridizations31. The dinucleotide parameters reflect the contributions of dinucleotides to GMT prediction. To avoid confounded interpretation, the parameters shown in the plot were fitted using a single kernel model. The p-value was calculated using Pearson correlation test. i A schematic plot illustrating the kinetic transition of the states during Cas9-mediated target editing. j An illustration of the free-energy landscapes of a high-GMT gRNA (red) and a low-GMT gRNA (green) at an on-target (top panel) or a 1-MM off-target (bottom panel) sites. The mismatch introduces an energy barrier (ΔGm) during R-loop formation. The probability of overcoming the energy barrier is determined by its size relative to the barrier to unbinding, ΔGmax. The stop symbol represents the repressed direction of the reaction. The arrow represents the direction of the reaction. Source data for Fig. 2c–h are provided in the Source Data file.