Comparison between various databases available on tastants and novelty of PlantMolecularTasteDB.
Feature | PlantMolecularTasteDB | BitterDB (Wiener et al., 2012) | SuperSweetDB (Ahmed et al., 2011) | FlavorDB (Garg et al., 2018) |
Compounds | Bitter, sweet, sour, salty, umami, pungent and astringent compounds Complete taste profile for each phytochemical |
Only bitter compounds | Only sweet tastants | No distinction between taste and odour of the compounds |
Focused on plant-derived tastants | Both natural and synthetic tastants | Both natural and synthetic tastants | Both natural and synthetic flavor molecules | |
Chemical class | Chemical class specified | – | Chemical class specified | Functional groups provided |
Biological activity | Antiinflammatory activity | – | – | – |