CD4 immunofluorescence detection showing the effect of berberine on the number of T cells in the livers of HFD mice. Blue stain indicates the nucleus, whereas red stain labels T cells. (A) HFD; (B) HFDABT; (C) HFDBBR; (D) HFDABTBBR; (E) NCD; (F) NCDBBR. (G) Boxplots showing significant differences in the percentage of T cells. HFD, high fat diet group; HFDBBR, HFD supplemented with berberine; HFDABT, HFD supplemented with antibiotics (by drinking freely); HFDABTBBR, HFD supplemented with berberine and antibiotics; NCD, normal chow diet; and NCDBBR, NCD supplemented with berberine. Different letters above the boxplots indicate significant differences. The upper-right of each histologic photo is a histologic photo with a larger scale.