Effects of diet type, berberine, and antibiotic treatment on the composition of gut microbiota in mice. (A) Proportion of dominant phyla; (B) Influence of different diets and berberine and antibiotic treatments on the relative abundance of the dominant phyla; (C) PCoA ranking results based on OTU composition; (D) Changes in the relative abundance of dominant genera of gut microbiota in mice under different diet and berberine and antibiotic treatments. HFD, high fat diet group; HFDBBR, HFD supplemented with berberine; HFDABT, HFD supplemented with antibiotics (by drinking freely); HFDABTBBR, HFD supplemented with berberine and antibiotics; NCD, normal chow diet; and NCDBBR, NCD supplemented with berberine. Different letters on the right side of the bars in (B) indicate significant differences. *p < 0.05; ***p < 0.001.