Figure 3.
Readability rankings by search result. Each blue dot corresponds to the mean readability based on the average of five standard readability scores (automated readability index, SMOG index, Coleman-Liau index, Gunning fog score, Flesch-Kincaid score) with whiskers representing the range of readability scores. The red vertical line corresponds to the AMA sixth grade level readability target. Cleveland Clinic1: Elevated Lipoprotein(a): Is a Long-Sought Treatment Finally on the Way?; Cleveland Clinic2: Why Would My Doctor Order a Lipoprotein(a) Blood Test?; National Lipid Association1: lipoprotein(a) Screening for Individuals at High ASCVD Risk; National Lipid Association2: Elevated Lipoprotein (a) Patient-Centered Education From the National Lipid Association. AMA: American Medical Association.