Table 2.
Samples | Raw reads (M) | Raw bases (G) | Clean reads (M) | Clean bases (G) | Valid bases (%) | Mapped reads (M) | Mapping rate (%) | BS conversion rate (%) |
C61–1 | 78.39 | 23.52 | 76.55 | 20.92 | 88.95 | 43.76 | 57.16 | 99.23 |
C61–2 | 77.49 | 23.25 | 75.55 | 20.61 | 88.65 | 43.24 | 57.23 | 99.27 |
D61–1 | 77.89 | 23.37 | 76.07 | 20.78 | 88.92 | 43.45 | 57.12 | 99.14 |
D61–2 | 79.49 | 23.85 | 77.58 | 21.19 | 88.85 | 44.10 | 56.84 | 99.24 |
C70–1 | 82.71 | 24.81 | 80.64 | 21.94 | 88.43 | 63.43 | 78.66 | 99.21 |
C70–2 | 71.94 | 21.58 | 70.12 | 19.14 | 88.69 | 55.45 | 79.08 | 99.25 |
D70–1 | 72.69 | 21.81 | 70.85 | 19.34 | 88.67 | 55.94 | 78.95 | 99.32 |
D70–2 | 73.02 | 21.91 | 71.37 | 19.50 | 89.00 | 56.23 | 78.79 | 99.34 |
C61–1, C61–2 and C70–1, C70–2 represent two replicates of well-watered wild mungbean 61 and mungbean cultivar 70, respectively; D61–1, D61–2 and D70–1, D70–2 represent two replicates of drought-stressed wild mungbean 61 and mungbean cultivar 70, respectively. Raw reads/bases: reads/bases generated by Illumina Novaseq platform. Clean reads/bases: reads/bases after filtering poor quality score reads and trimming using fastp software. Valid bases (%) = (clean reads number / raw reads number) * 100%. Mapping rate = (mapped reads / clean reads) * 100%. BS conversion rate (%) = (converted cytosines / total cytosines in unmethylated lambda DNA reference) * 100%